Lodge Handbook
Anpetu-We Lodge History
The Order of the Arrow existed at Camp Lewallen prior to the Anpetu-We Lodge. Jonito-Otora (Beaver Club) Lodge #100 was chartered to the Southeast Missouri Council on April 5, 1937. At that time, the Order of the Arrow was not endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America, and Jonito Otora was disbanded in 1939 in favor of a similar organization called the Golden Sun. The Golden Sun Honor Society was an integral part of Camp Lewallen. The Golden Sun Warrior Circle still remains and is used as our Ordeal ceremony ring. The Golden Sun was disbanded in 1956 to allow the rechartering of an Order of the Arrow Lodge. The Order of the Arrow was by this time endorsed by the National Council as the official honor camping society, and all councils were encouraged to comply. The Southeast Missouri Council was allowed to keep the number 100 for its lodge number, but the youth members chose to change the name to Anpetu-We, meaning “rising sun”. This was a tribute to the former Golden Sun Honor Society. The Anpetu-We Lodge was chartered on March 5, 1956. When the Southeast Missouri Council merged with the St. Louis Area Council in 1993, the Anpetu-We Lodge was allowed to exist within the Greater St. Louis Area Council. The Egyptian Council of Southern Illinois merged with the Greater St. Louis Area Council in 1994. The youth members of the Ney-A-Ti Lodge #240, voted to join the Anpetu-We Lodge. Today the Lodge is stronger and more active than ever. The Lodge’s impact on Camp Lewallen and Pine Ridge Scout Camp, along with the service its members bestow upon their troops, districts, our Council and communities are a testament to every member’s determination and Scouting spirit.
Our Lodge and Chapters
The Anpetu-We Lodge consists of Order of the Arrow members from Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois, and is one of more than 250 lodges in the Order. Our Lodge meets several times a year at events such as the Fall Reunion, Spring Reunion, and Winter Fellowship Banquet. The Lodge has many activities which include service projects, camp promotion, and new member inductions. Fellowship is important in our Lodge and evident at every event. Our Lodge is led by youth officers elected by our youth members.
Our chapters coincide with our districts. The Anpetu-We Lodge has 5 chapters. Chapters work on a more local level. Chapters do service projects, camp promotion, Native American dancing, and ceremonies for the Lodge. Chapters also elect youth officers.
Our Lodge and its chapters work together to accomplish the goals of the Order of the Arrow and our Council. We encourage each of you to become active in your chapter and in our Lodge.
Southern Illinois
Egyptian-Ney-A Ti …………………………..Egyptian District
Wundchenneu-Ney-A-Ti……………………Kaskaskia District
Southeast Missouri
Cherokee …………………………………….Cherokee District
Shawnee………………………………………Shawnee District
Sioux……………………………………………..Sioux District
Lodge Events
The Fall Reunion is held every September at Camp Lewallen. New members are inducted into the Order, Ordeal members can seal their membership in the Brotherhood, and Vigil candidates are called out. All brothers provide service to improve the camp. Fellowship and fun are a big part of this and all Lodge events
Our banquet is held every year in December. This event gives us the opportunity to fellowship with our brothers over a good meal. At the banquet we celebrate the year and honor brothers who have worked hard for our Order.
Fun Weekend is just that, a fun weekend. We all have the chance to kick back and have a great time. There are many events during the weekend and each is designed a little differently. Fun Weekend is usually held in late winter.
Held every April at Pine Ridge Scout Camp, we induct new members and provide another opportunity to seal your membership in the Brotherhood. Our service projects help enhance the Camp.
Summer is an exciting time in the Order of the Arrow. Every Monday at Camp Lewallen we have a barbeque for our members. Our call-out ceremony is held each Wednesday. Each week a different chapter provides dancers and ceremonial team members.
The Section C5-c Conclave is held every fall at camps throughout Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. Members from 6 lodges come together for a weekend of fun. There are ceremonies, dancing, patch trading, training sessions, and sporting activities where we can meet members of other lodges.
The National Order of the Arrow Conference is held every two years (odd years: 2009, 2011…) in August at a college campus in the Midwest. More than 6,500 members come together from across the country for this four day event. There are hundreds of events planned for your enjoyment, from athletic competitions and patch trading to dance and ceremony competitions and arena shows. Learning sessions provide training and many ideas for delegates.
Held on even dated years at our Swift Base at the S-F Scout Ranch, this week of fun includes costume making, ceremony building, and other OA activities. Combine this with Swift’s high-adventure program and you have a great week.
Lodge Totem
The totem of the Anpetu-We Lodge is the turtle. Traditionally, as a symbol of lodge membership and record of participation, we have worn a necklace consisting of a carved wooden turtle, suspended on a leather thong. On this thong are worn beads representing the activities, honors, and awards earned as a member of the Lodge. Carved turtles are available through the trading post, while some members choose to carve their own. If you do carve your own, please keep within reasonable limits of tradition with regard to size and style, so as to preserve uniformity. The totem may be worn at OA functions, anytime that a sash would be appropriate. See page 11 for a list of official beads and their meanings. Official beads are purchased from the Lodge.
How Do I Get Involved?
There are many ways to become active in the Order of the Arrow. The first place to start is on the chapter level. Here are a few ways you can get involved with your chapter or lodge.
As your Troop Representative you will pass along information from the chapter and Lodge to your Troop. The troop representative is appointed by your Scoutmaster. You will attend chapter and Lodge functions and report back to your Troop.
As a member of a camp promotion team you will travel to troops in your chapter with several other OA members and promote summer camp and camping. You will have the great opportunity to get young Scouts excited about camp.
Each chapter is responsible for doing different ceremonies (pre- ordeal, ordeal, etc.) If you enjoy learning parts and performing with others you will love to be a part of a ceremony team. Each chapter has several teams, so as you learn your part you can watch and learn from the other members of your chapter.
During your Ordeal you were helped along by an Elangomat. Elangomat is the Lenape word for friend. Now you have the opportunity to be an Elangomat yourself. If you like helping others give the Elangomat program a shot. You can sign up to be an Elangomat during the Fall or Spring Reunion when you sign up for the weekend.
Each chapter has a dance team. Team members work together to develop costuming and learning to dance. Other team members will help you along as you learn to be a dancer. Teams dance at summer camp, Blue and Gold banquets, and other events.
During the Fall Reunion, chapter and Lodge officers are elected. These officers lead different aspects of the Lodge and chapters. If you like leading others then you might want to consider a chapter or lodge position.
Lodge Totems and Memorabilia
The lodge pocket flap is worn on the right pocket flap of the uniform to indicate Order of the Arrow membership in the Anpetu-We Lodge. Only current members are authorized to wear the flap of the Lodge.
The Anpetu-We Jacket Patch is designed to be worn on the back of the Red Wool Jacket-shirt or other jacket. Feathers are added to indicate honor;
Ordeal, 1 feather; Brotherhood, 2; Vigil, 3.
Lodge neckerchiefs are available and should be worn only at those times when the wearing of the sash is proper.
Order of the Arrow sashes are worn exclusively at Order of the Arrow functions when wearing the Scout uniform. The sash may also be worn by Elangomats who are out of uniform, and youth wearing ceremonial attire. The sash is worn over the right shoulder, with the arrow pointing up. It is not to be worn in any other manner.
Pocket sashes are worn at times when a regular sash would be worn.
The following are sold and worn in PAIRS on each side of the leather thong.
BROWN-Fall Reunion
MEDIUM BLUE- Spring Reunion
PINK – Fun Weekend
LIGHT GREEEN – Recognition Dinner
YELLOW – Elangomat
BLACK – Elangomat Trainer
ORANGE – Troop Representative
TRANSLUCENT BLUE – Ceremonial Team
LARGE ROUND RED –Lodge Leadership Development Course
RED – Lodge Advisors Award
TRANSLUCENT RED – Lodge Advisor Annual
TRANSPARENT CLEAR – Section Dance Participation
The following beads are sold and worn INDIVIDUALLY, either suspended from the bottom of the turtle, or if additional room is needed, suspended on a single string between the two thongs.
AMBER FACETED CRYSTAL – Brotherhood Member
LARGE GREEN STRIPED OVAL – Summer Camp OA Coordinator
LARGE RED and WHITE STRIPED BARREL – National Order of the Arrow Conference
ROUND FLORAL MOSAIC – Section Dance 1st, 2nd, or 3rd
OVAL BLUE CHEVRON – Military Service
The Legend
Years ago, in the dim ages, in the valley of the Delaware,
Lived a peaceful tribe of Indians- Lenni Lenape their name was.
Deer and bear, wildcat and panther, through the forest oft they hunted.
On the bosom of the river peacefully they fished and paddled.
Round their busy village wigwams still the chase they nimbly followed.
In this state of bliss so happy many moons they lived contented.
Springtime blossomed into summer, summer into autumn ripened, autumn died on winter’s bosom;
Thus the seasons in succession never ending seemed to pass on.
But, behold a cloud arising changed how soon this peaceful aspect,
Neighboring tribes, and distant enemies, suddenly disturbed their hunting.
Then Chingachgook, aged chieftain of the tribe, made quick inquiry; “Who will
go and carry warning of this dire and dreadful danger to all Delawares, our brothers?” But none wished to make the journey.
Then spoke up the noble Uncas, worthy son of the old Chieftain,
“O my father, I am ready; send me on this gracious errand.
If we would remain a nation, we must stand by one another.
Let us both urge on our kindred, firm devotion to our brethren and our cause. Ourselves forgetting, let us catch the higher vision.
Let us find the greater beauty in the life of cheerful service.”
Off upon the trail they started, Old Chingachgook and young Uncas;
and in every tribal village some were found who were quite willing to spend themselves in other’s service.
When at last the fierce marauders were forced back to their own country
and peace was declared between them,
they who first themselves had offered for the service of their Brethren.
To the places most respected by the Chieftain were promoted;
for, said he, who serves his fellows is, of all his fellows, greatest!
As a seed dropped by the sower on good soil bears quick fulfillment;
so this saying of their Chieftain in their hearts found glad acceptance.
And they asked that in some manner he should make its memory lasting.
So together fast and firmly Chief Chingachgook bound these warriors in a great and honored Order, into which can be admitted,
Only those who their own interests can forget in serving others.
And so firm must be their purpose so to live,
that their companions taking note of their devotion,
shall propose them to the Order.
We, therefore, to them succeeding to the present day perpetuate the
names and token of this BROTHERHOOD OF CHEERFUL SERVICE.
Called by Delawares:
Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui.